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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Темы по английскому.

St.Paul’s Cathedral

The City’s greatest monument and on of the finest Renaissance cathedrals  in
Europe is St.Paul’s Cathedral. The old cathedral  was  completely  destroyed
by the Great Fire of London in 1666. People  put  their  belongings  in  the
church, thinking it was safe, but the fire soon reached it. It  was  so  hot
it turned the church bells into molten  metal.  Christopher  When  a  famous
English architect,  was  commissioned  to  rebuild  Saint  Paul’s.  He  made
several plans before one was accepted. In the Crypt of the  church  you  can
see scale models of his rejected designs. It took nearly 35 years  to  build
the Cathedral, being finished in 1710. Running around the  interior  of  the
dome is the famous Whispering Gallery. It  is  called  so  because  you  can
clearly hear the whisper made by someone who is  standing  on  the  opposite
side of the gallery. Big Paul, the heaviest bell in the country, is  in  the
northern bell tower at the front of Saint Paul’s. It rings every weekday  at
1 p.m. to let people know that it is lunchtime. Another bell Big Tom,  tolls
when a monarch or important churchmen die. The church  bells  in  the  other
tower are rung on Sundays and to celebrate great occasions.

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