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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Темы по английскому.

Trafalgar Square

T.S. is London’s geographical center. It was laid out during the early part
of the 19th century to commemorate the naval victory of Britain over the
French at Trafalgar in 1805, in which Admiral Lord Nelson took part and was
fatally wounded. The Nelson column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on top
of it is 185 feet (5 metres) high. At the base of the column you can see
four bronze lions which are guarding it and were cast from the cannon of
battleships. On October 21st there is a service under the column to
commemorate Nelson. The east and west sides of the square are gracefully
flanked by plane trees. Beyond the terrace above the north side stands the
National Gallery; on the lawns in front of the Gallery stands a statue of
James II, to the west of the main entrance, and to the east a statue of
George Washington. Among other important buildings surrounding the square
are the church of St.Martin-in-the-Fields. T.S. has long been the place for
political meetings and demonstrations, including those of the Chartists who
began their march here in 1848. More recently it has become the terminal
point of protest marches. Every year at Christmas time an enormous
Christmas tree is erected, the annual gift, since the 2nd World War, of the
Norwegian people. On New Year’s Eve T.S.. is always the scene of
celebrations. Not far from T.S. there is a quiet little street with very
ordinary houses. So you may be surprised to see a policeman who is standing
at one of the houses. It is Downing Street and for the last two hundred
years at No.10 each Prime Minister of England has been living there.
Downing Street leads to Whitehall. There was a palace here once, where from
the 12th to the 16th century the English Kings and Queens were living. Now
it is just a street of government offices. Here in the middle of the read
there is simple but impressive Cenotaph, the Memorial to the men who died
in the two World Wars.

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