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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Темы по английскому языку.


       London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic,  political
and cultural center. It is one of the world’s most important ports  and  one
of the  largest  cities  in  the  world.  London  with  its  suburbs  has  a
population of about 11 million people.
       London has been a capital for nearly a thousand years.  Many  of  its
ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of  them  are  the  Tower  of
London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Most visitors also  want
to see the Houses of Parliament and the many magnificent museums.
       Once London was a small Roman town of the north bank of  the  Thames.
Slowly it grew into one of the world’s major cities.
       Different areas of London seem like different cities. The West End is
a rich man’s world of shops, offices and theatres. The  City  of  London  is
the district where most  offices  and  banks  are  concentrated;  the  Royal
Exchange and the Bank of England are here, too. The East End is  a  district
where  mostly  working  people  live.  The  old  port  area  is  now  called
«Docklands». There are now new office buildings in Docklands, and  thousands
of new flats and houses.
       By the day the whole of London is busy. At night, offices  are  quiet
and empty, but the West End stays alive, because  this  is  where  Londoners
come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here,  several  concert
halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas. In nearby  Soho  the  pubs  and
restaurants and nightclubs are busy half the night

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