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ГДЗ: Английский язык       Алгебра       Геометрия       Физика       Химия       Русский язык       Немецкий язык

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Шпаргалки       Рефераты       Сочинения       Энциклопедии       Топики с переводами

Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Топики по английскому языку за 11 класс - тема8.

Study and plans for the future

This school year is very important for us, because we must decide what to
do after leaving school. There different ways for us to choose. Those who
like technique can become engineers and work in the field of industry.
Those who like nature can become agronomists and work in agriculture,
school-leavers who want to work directly with people may become doctors and
Many young people follow the examples of their parents and choose their
professions. I think it is not bad, as they know these professions better.
There are school-leavers  who choose only modern professions such as an
economists and lowers. I don’t think that it is bad, but in nowadays there
are a lot of economists and lowers and it is not easy for them to find
So the main thing for us is to choose our future profession correctly to
satisfy our own fasts and needs and to work with the best results.
As for me, I want to be an expert in foreign relations (diplomat), but it
is very difficult to enter the university, there I can study foreign
relations. What’s why, most likely, I will have to become an economists, it
is not bad profession and I try to get at once two specialty: marketing and
finances and credit.

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