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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Топики по английскому языку за 11 класс - тема3.

                               Generation Gap.
Most people say that а family is very important for them. They like to
repeat that families give them а sense of tradition, strength and purpose
in their lives. ’’Our families show what we are", they say. Most parents
teach their children to respect elder people and observe holidays. But the
most important thing for а family is to give an emotional support and
security. The right family values help boys and girls to gain confidence
and resist the influence of bad friends.
Teenagers often consider their parents old-fashioned, unaware of the latest
style. As for their parents they do their best to give their children а
better chance than they had themselves. After finishing school children
often try to get complete independence, they leave their homes and
sometimes even their native towns. Staying with parents has its negative
and positive aspects but children must understand that parents don' t want
to do them any harm. That's why sometimes young people have to listen to
criticism from their parents.
Some people often speak about the so-called "generation gap" that is а gap
in views between parents and teenagers, but the majority of people think
that this generation gap is sometimes exaggerated. Very often children feel
neglected in their families. When they find cruelty, indifference and
misunderstanding in their families they become divide and heartless
themselves. As а result children feel hurt and some of them try to escape
from the reality by tuning to alcohol and drugs. So all of us should pay
more attention to family problems, we must avoid quarrels and look for
consent. We must remember about spiritual values and all people should live
in peace and harmony.

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