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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Топики по английскому языку за 11 класс - тема2.

Famous people.
Every country has it’s own great people: scientists, poets and writers,
politicians, musicians, composers and actors. But I would like to tell you
about the great British politician Sir Winston Churchill.
Winston Leonard Churchill was without doubt the ruling figure in British
politics during the 1st half of the 20th century. He was born in 1874. His
mother was American, the daughter of a New York businessman; his father
belonged to an English aristocratic family. He was given the typical
education of that period for the person of his background. From 1895 until
1899 he combined the jobs of soldier and journalist in Cuba, India and
Sudan. In 1899 he resigned from the army and began his political career. He
was an active and popular member of the Conservative Party, but later he
changed his political views and joined the Liberal Party. He won many
political victories and had as many failures.
In 1910 he became Home Secretary, but he lost some of his popularity when
he used the army to help the police put down the miners’ strike.  For some
years he was out of office and spent his time writing and painting. In the
twentieth he returned to Conservative Party.
In 1924 he was elected to Parliament. In 1940 Churchill was appointed Prime
Minister. He formed a coalition government with the war cabinet of five; he
was Prime Minister until 1945.
He returned once more as Prime Minister in 1951. Highly regarded as a
painter, Churchill also received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953 for
his account of the Second World War. He predicted that an “Iron Curtain”
would divide Europe from north to south and this left his mark on the
period of the Cold War. He died in London in 1965.

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