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ГДЗ: Английский язык       Алгебра       Геометрия       Физика       Химия       Русский язык       Немецкий язык

Подготовка к экзаменам (ЕГЭ)       Программы и пособия       Краткое содержание       Онлайн учебники
Шпаргалки       Рефераты       Сочинения       Энциклопедии       Топики с переводами

Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Теоретическая грамматика английского языка.

1Communicative types of s-ces
3 cardinal s-ce types:declarative,
expr-s a statement(affir-ve/neg)
Im-ve - inducement(aff/neg),-
request/command. Int-ve -
request for infor-n.
Ch.Fries: classed them acc-g
to responses they elict. In this
system utter-ce is chosen as a
universal speech unit.
1)situation ut-s2) response ut-s.
1)were dividedinto 3 groups:
a)ut followed by oral responses
(greetings, calls,questions. hello!
dad!) b)ut-s eliciting action res-s
(requests/commands). c)ut-s
eliciting conventional signals
of attention to continuous
discours(statements). Also
exist non-commun-ve ut-s
(charact-c of surprise,anger,
pain-Oh!,Darn!). Another type
is recognized-exclamatory s-ce.
 |1 Each of cardinal com-ve s-ces
can be repres-ed in 2 variants:
excl-ry/non-exc. What a nice
dog! It's a very nice dog.Then
why in God's name did you come
?Why did you come?In the
light of of theory  of actual
 division: each comm-ve type
is distin-ed by spec. act-al div-n
features,which are revealed in the
nature of rheme. Dec-ve s-s espr-s certain proposition.Rheme makes  up
centre os statement-the next instant she had recogn-ed him.- rheme. Imp-ve
s-s exp-s an urge to do smth/not to do. Rheme exp-s inform-ve nucleus of
inducement. Its thematic subject is zeroed. Don't try to sidetrack me!
Inter-ve s-s
expr-s inquiry about inf-n.Rheme is informat-ly opened. Purely excl-ry s-s
-interjectional exlamations (Good Lord!)
 | |
|2The simple s-ce |2 parts and    |
|and its parts    |expended s.    |
|This is s-ce in  |s-s( mopr.     |
|which only 1 pred|s. which       |
|                 |includes oblig.|
|-ve line is      |parts+         |
|expr-ed. The     |optional parts,|
|nominative       |suplementive   |
|parts are subj,  |mod-iers which |
|pred-te,obj,adver|don't          |
|bial,            |constituate    |
|attr-te,parenthet|pred-ve        |
|ical enclosure,  |enlargement of |
|adressing        |the s-ce.      |
|enc-re,interjecti|The tall trees |
|onal enc-re.     |by the island  |
|The parts are    |shore were     |
|arranged in      |shaking        |
|hierarchy,       |violently in   |
|all perfom       |the gusty      |
|modifying roles. |wind.-exp-ed.  |
|Subj-            |Acc-g to       |
|person-modifier  |presence of    |
|of subj-person.  |both members   |
|Obj-substance-mod|s-s            |
|-ierof a processu|are classed    |
|                 |into           |
|al part.Adve-l,  |2-member/1m.   |
|attr-te are      |1-axis         |
|quality          |constructions(w|
|mod-iers,pareth  |ho will        |
|enc-speaker      |meet           |
|bound            |us?-Mary).Free |
|mod-er,adr-g     |1-axis s-s -   |
|enc-re-mod-er    |elliptical.    |
|of               |Reflecting the |
|destination,inter|cat-es of      |
|j. enc-speaker   |Subj:s-s are   |
|bound emotional  |divided into   |
|mod. The idea    |personal/im#   |
|of verbal        |Pred-te:s-sare |
|valency-principle|div-ed into    |
|of               |process        |
|dividing s-ce    |featuring(verba|
|parts into       |l) and         |
|obligatory       |substance #    |
|and optional.We  |Subj-obj       |
|disting-sh       |rel-s:s-s are  |
|between          |subjective(J   |
|unexpanded simple|lives in       |
|                 |London)        |
|s-s(monopredic-ve|/objective(J   |
|s-s formed       |reads a book   |
|only by oblig-ry |and            |
|notional         |neutral(John   |
|                 |reads).        |
|                 |               |
|3The concept of  |11 elementsthat|
|Parad-tic Syntax |relate given s |
|In contemprorary |to 1 that      |
|ling-cs paradig-c|precedes it and|
|                 |semantically   |
|approach provides|complete. On   |
|theoretical      |basis of       |
|ground           |funct-l nature |
|for treating the |of connc-rs    |
|s-ce as a        |cumulation is  |
|meaningful       |divided into   |
|linqual unit     |1)conjunctive(t|
|existing in a    |hen,           |
|pattern form.    |moreover,conseq|
|Paradigma-cs     |uently,hence,  |
|finds its        |besides)       |
|essential expr-n |2)correlative  |
|in system of     |a)substitutiona|
|oppositions.     |l              |
|Syntactic        |connection(Mary|
|opp-ns are       |woke me. She   |
|realized         |said..)        |
|correlated s-ce  |b)representativ|
|patterns the     |eI went home.  |
|observable       |She accepted my|
|relations        |departure      |
|between which can|indifferantly. |
|be described by  |Elementary     |
|transformations, |unit-segment of|
|as transitions   |text           |
|from 1           |Can be built by|
|pattern of       |a cumeleme or a|
|certain notional |single s. This |
|parts to         |unit is called |
|another  pattern.|dicteme. In    |
|So some patterns |written sp it’s|
|                 |pes-d by       |
|should be        |paragraph. P-s |
|approached as    |are conn-ed    |
|base patterns    |within frame   |
|and others as    |work of larger |
|their transforms.|elements of    |
|Question         |text.P         |
|is is produced   |groupings      |
|from statement,  |compose        |
|negation         |chapters of    |
|from affirmation.|other          |
|                 |compositional  |
|                 |divisions.     |
|                 |               |
|                 |               |
|4The Kernel      |4 Procedures of|
|Sentence         |derivation:    |
|The initial basic|1)morphological|
|element of       |arrangement    |
|syntactic        |(morph.changes |
|derivation,unit  |expressing synt|
|serving          |               |
|as sen-ce-root   |actically      |
|and providing    |relevant       |
|objective ground |categories:    |
|for identifying  |tense,         |
|syntactic        |aspect,voice)Jo|
|categorial       |hn+start=      |
|oppositions.     |J              |
|The pattern of   |starts.2)usesof|
|KS. is           |functional     |
|interpreted      |words          |
|as forming the   |he understood  |
|base of paradig-c|me-he seemed   |
|                 |to#            |
|derivation.      |3)substitution |
|Derivation isn't |The boys       |
|change           |played-        |
|1 s into another.|they           |
|It's production  |played.4)Deleti|
|of more complex  |on Would       |
|pattern const-s  |you like a cup |
|out of kernel    |of tea?-a cup  |
|pattern const-s  |of tea?        |
|as               |5)intonational |
|their structural |arrag-t we must|
|bases. I saw him |go- we must    |
|                 |go?6)positional|
|come=I saw him+he|arr-nt the man |
|came.            |is here Is the |
|K.S. is an       |man here?      |
|elementary s-ce  |               |
|which            |               |
|is               |               |
|non-inter-ve,non-|               |
|imper-ve,        |               |
|non-negative,non-|               |
|modal.           |               |
|5Syntactic       |5 Nominal      |
|Nominalization   |phrases are    |
|Kernel s-s expand|produced by the|
|base s-s undergo |process of     |
|derivation       |nominalization.|
|changes into     |It may be      |
|clauses and      |complete(consis|
|phrases.Transform|ting in        |
|ation of base s  |completely     |
|into             |depriving the s|
|clause-clausaliza|of its         |
|tion.By way      |predic-ve      |
|of it s is       |aspect)        |
|charged into     |or             |
|subordinate or   |partial(Partly |
|coordinate       |depriving of   |
|clausein the     |it).           |
|process of       |Partial nom-n  |
|subordinative or |produces       |
|coordinative com |infinitive and |
|bination of      |gerundial      |
|s-s.This         |phrases. The   |
|procedure        |resulting      |
|includes         |constr-s       |
|use of           |produced by    |
|conjunctive      |application of |
|words.They       |these          |
|arrived+         |procedures in  |
|I was relieved of|the process of |
|my fears=When    |derivational   |
|they             |combination of |
|arrieved I       |base s-s will  |
|was...Transformat|be both simple |
|ion of           |expanded s-s(in|
|base s into a    |case of        |
|phrase-phrasaliza|complete nom-n_|
|tion.            |and            |
|By it s is       |semi-composite |
|tras-ed into a   |s-s(in case    |
|semi-predic-ve   |of partial     |
|construction or a|nom-n).        |
|nominal phrase.  |               |
|6Syntactic     |6 syntactic    |
|Paradigm of    |categ-l oppos-s|
|predi-ve Func-s|are the        |
|               |following:     |
|As a part of   |1)?opposed to  |
|predi-ve system|statement2)nega|
|kernel s-s     |tion to        |
|undergo such   |aff-n3)induceme|
|structural     |nt to statement|
|modifications  |               |
|as             |4)unreality to |
|immediately    |reality5)probab|
|express the    |ility to fact  |
|pred-ve        |6)modal        |
|functions of a |identity to    |
|s-ce, fun-s    |fact7)modal    |
|relating       |subject-       |
|nominative     |action         |
|meanings       |relations to   |
|of the s to    |fact8)special  |
|reality.       |actual subject |
|Pred-ve func-s |action to      |
|are            |fact9)phase of |
|divided into   |action         |
|1)lower        |to fact        |
|fun-s(include  |10)passive     |
|expre          |action to      |
|ssion of       |active         |
|morph-l categ-s|11)specialized |
|as tenses      |actual division|
|and aspects)   |to non-        |
|2)higher       |specialized#12)|
|fun-s(evaluativ|emotiveness to |
|e              |un#.           |
|.express       |               |
|functional     |               |
|semantics of   |               |
|relati         |               |
|ng the         |               |
|nominative     |               |
|content of s to|               |
|reality)       |               |
|The principle  |               |
|pred-ve fun-s  |               |
|expr-ed by     |               |
|7Composite s,  |7 are classed  |
|structure,deriv|into compound  |
|ation          |s-s            |
|Is formed by 2 |(coord-ing     |
|or more        |their clauses) |
|predi-ve lines |and            |
|Expr-ses a     |complex        |
|complicated act|(subord-ing#). |
|of thought     |Cumulation     |
|Each pred-ve   |-kind of       |
|unit in a comp |syntactic      |
|s makes        |connection     |
|up a clause in |placing the    |
|it.The use of  |sequential     |
|comp s-s       |clause in a    |
|is s a special |sintactically  |
|char-c of      |detached       |
|written speech.|positin.-He was|
|               |sent for,as I  |
|Comp s display |have           |
|2 types of     |told you,very  |
|construc       |suddenly this  |
|tions:hypotaxis|morning.       |
|(subordination)|There exist    |
|and            |constr-ns where|
|parataxis(coord|1 pred-ve      |
|ination).Sub-n |line is        |
|and            |combined with  |
|coord-n are    |another 1, the |
|main types of  |latter not     |
|connect        |being expr-ed  |
|ion of clauses.|comletely.     |
|Sub-n-clauses  |He ignored the |
|are            |question and   |
|arranged as    |remained       |
|units of equal |silent.        |
|rank.Co-n-     |               |
|as units of    |               |
|unequal rank,  |               |
|dominated      |               |
|by the         |               |
|other.The means|               |
|combining      |               |
|clauses are    |               |
|syndetic(conjun|               |
|cti-al)        |               |
|/asyndetic(non-|               |
|#).Composite   |               |
|s-s            |               |
|8Complex       |8 nominal.He   |
|sentence       |knew what was  |
|Is a polyper-ve|right.         |
|constr-n built |b)qualification|
|up             |-nominal(give  |
|on the         |char-c)        |
|principle of   |The man who    |
|subordination. |came in the    |
|It's derived   |morning        |
|from 1 or more |left a         |
|base           |letter.c)adverb|
|s-s 1 of which |ial (gives     |
|performs the   |quality        |
|role of        |of             |
|a matrix in    |descriptios)Des|
|relation to the|cribe it as you|
|others,        |see it.        |
|insert s-s.The |Connective     |
|matrix s       |word: 1)those  |
|becomes        |that           |
|principle      |occupy notional|
|clause,insert  |position in the|
|s-s-subor-te   |der            |
|clauses.The    |ived           |
|principle cl   |cl-Positional  |
|dominates      |subordinators: |
|sub-te         |conjunctive    |
|cl.Sub-te cl is|substitutes-who|
|joined to      |,what,         |
|prin-l         |that,where,when|
|cl by a        |,why.2)non-pos-|
|subordinator or|l              |
|asyndatically. |subord-rs-pure |
|How do you know|conjunctions:si|
|he left the    |nce,           |
|room?          |because,though,|
|Classif-n of   |however,than,as|
|sub-te         |if.            |
|cl-s:1)funct-l |All sub-te cl-s|
|clas-n         |are divided    |
|2)categorial   |into 1)cl      |
|cla-n1)Sub cl  |of primary     |
|are            |nominal        |
|classed on the |positions      |
|analogy of the |(subject,pred-v|
|posi           |e,obj.cl-s).2)o|
|tional parts of|f 2nd-ry       |
|simple s.2)are |nominal        |
|classed        |positions(attri|
|by their       |butive)3)cl    |
|nominal prop-s |of adverbial   |
|irrespective   |positions.(incl|
|of their       |ude cl         |
|positional     |of             |
|relations in   |time/place,mann|
|the s.         |er/comparison, |
|From point of  |of different   |
|v. of their    |circums-al     |
|nomin-ve       |semant-cs:     |
|features they  |of             |
|sub cl are     |condition,reaso|
|divided into   |n,result,cause,|
|a)cl naming    |               |
|event or       |concession,    |
|fact-substantiv|,purpose.      |
|e              |               |
|9Compound      |9              |
|sentence       |into1)conjuncti|
|Is a copposite |ons            |
|s built on     |proper(and,but,|
|principle      |               |
|of             |neither,nor,for|
|coordination.Co|,either.and    |
|ord-n can be   |semi-          |
|expr-ed        |functional     |
|syndatically(by|clausal        |
|means of       |connectors of  |
|connections) or|ad             |
|asyndatically.T|verbial        |
|he             |character(then,|
|main semantic  |yet,so,thus,   |
|relations      |nethertheless,h|
|between cl-s   |owever).Approac|
|are            |hed            |
|copulative,adve|from           |
|tive           |ctic point of  |
|causal,conseque|v.             |
|ntial,resultati|connection is  |
|ve.            |analysed into 2|
|Comp s is      |types:         |
|derived from 2 |1)unmarked     |
|or more        |coord-ve       |
|base s-s       |connection     |
|connected on   |2)marked #1)is |
|the principle  |realized by    |
|of coord-n     |conj and       |
|syndet-lly or  |and also       |
|asyn-ly.       |asyndetically.2|
|Base s-s lose  |)is effected   |
|their independ |by pure and    |
|status         |adverbial      |
|and become     |coordinators   |
|coord-te cl-s, |(but,still,howe|
|parts of       |ver etc.).     |
|a composite    |               |
|unity.1st cl is|               |
|leading,       |               |
|successive cl-s|               |
|are sequential.|               |
|               |               |
|Coordinative   |               |
|connec-s are   |               |
|divided        |               |
|10             |10 approach    |
|Semi-composite |us.2)linear    |
|sentence       |expansion      |
|Is a s with 1  |a)attributive  |
|or more pred-ve|complication I |
|lines          |came           |
|which are      |late for       |
|expr-ed in     |supper+supper  |
|fusion.1 of    |was served     |
|these lines is |in the dining  |
|dominant,      |room.b)adverbia|
|others-        |l              |
|make           |complic-nWindow|
|semi-pred-ve   |s were closed  |
|expansion of   |+ she didn't   |
|the s.         |hear           |
|Semi-predi-ve  |noise=windows  |
|line is either |being          |
|wholly fused   |closed,she#.c)n|
|with dominant  |ominal-        |
|pred           |phrase         |
|-ve line of    |complicationTom|
|construction or|'s com         |
|parti          |ing late       |
|ally fused with|annoyed his    |
|it.Semi-composi|mother.        |
|te             |S-compound s is|
|s displays     |built up on    |
|intermediary   |principle of   |
|syntactic      |coordination.  |
|character      |composed of 2  |
|between        |base s-s having|
|copmposite s   |               |
|and simple     |identical      |
|s.According to |element sharing|
|ranking        |it in          |
|structure of   |coordinative   |
|semi-cop. s-s  |fusion.By the  |
|there          |number         |
|exist          |of bases       |
|semi-complex   |joined:1)2base2|
|and s-comp     |)multi-b       |
|ound. S-complex|The connection |
|is built up on |types of 2)    |
|               |are:           |
|principle of   |a)syndetic     |
|subordination. |a1)homosyndatic|
|It's           |-              |
|derived from   |You saw        |
|minimum 2 base |flash,then     |
|s-s            |heard crack,   |
|(1matrix,1inser|then saw smoke.|
|t).Subtypes:   |a2)heterosyndet|
|division based |ic-            |
|on char-r of   |A woman came   |
|pred           |and looked at  |
|fusion-1)effect|them, but      |
|ed by process  |vanished when  |
|of             |they           |
|positional     |adressed her.  |
|sharing:a)subje|b)asyndetic    |
|ct             |c)mixed        |
|sharing-The    |               |
|moon rose+the  |               |
|m was red=the  |               |
|moon rose red. |               |
|b)object       |               |
|sharing we asw |               |
|him+           |               |
|he approached  |               |
|us=we saw him  |               |
|               |               |
|               |               |
|               |               |

|11 The         |11  Called     |
|Syntactic      |cumulative     |
|Structure of   |sequence, a    |
|Text           |cumuleme.      |
|S-s in         |Formation of   |
|continual      |2direct-n seq  |
|speech aren’t  |is based on    |
|used in        |sent-s being   |
|isolation.They’|positioned to  |
|re             |meet each      |
|interconnected |other.         |
|both           |Supra-segm.    |
|Semantically   |Const-n        |
|and            |-occurseme.    |
|syntactically. |Occ-me occupies|
|S-s come under |place above    |
|broad          |cum-me.Cum-me  |
|grammatical    |is contrasted  |
|arraagement    |by 2 or more   |
|They           |s-s joined by  |
|May or may  not|cumul-n.       |
|build coherent |Occ-me         |
|sequence,      |contrasted by 2|
|Depending on   |or more cum-s. |
|aim of speaker.|The            |
|Text can be    |supro-proposemi|
|interpreted as |c level  is    |
|lingual enity  |Divided        |
|with its 2     |into1)lower    |
|features:      |level at which |
|Semantic unity,|               |
|semantico-synta|Cumulemic      |
|ctic cohesion. |connection os  |
|Division of s  |s-s are        |
|sequences in   |identified, and|
|speech is based|higher l at    |
|on             |which          |
|communicative  |occursemic #.  |
|direction of   |S-s in         |
|their component|cumulative seq |
|               |Can be         |
|s-s.:1)monologu|connected      |
|e sequences    |prospectively  |
|2)dialoque s   |(prospective   |
|1)s-s are      |connector      |
|directed from 1|signals        |
|speaker to his |continuation of|
|listeners-1-dir|speech-I tell  |
|ection         |you, 1         |
|sequence.  2)  |or 2 things    |
|s-s are        |must happen).  |
|directed to    |Or             |
|meet 1 another-|retrospectively|
|2direction     |(is effected by|
|seq-s.         |con-ve         |
|1direction     |               |
|seq. Is based  |               |
|on syntactic   |               |
|cumulation of  |               |
|s-s. So the    |               |
|supra-segmental|               |
|               |               |
|construction of|               |
|1 direction    |               |
|commu-ve type  |               |
|is             |               |

1  2  3