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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Toptopics - 7part.

My Favorite Video Film.
My favorite video film is "Titanic". It tells the story of the famous ship,
"Titanic", which sank in 1912. The"Titanic"was a colossal ship even by
modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the
ship went down on the first voyage with heavy loss of life.
The director of the film is Jeremy Cameron. The main parts in the film are
played by young actors Leonardo De Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind
their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I've heard that
for this film they made a full-size model of the "Titanic". It's a very
spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story.
I advise all my friends to see this film. It was awarded 11 Oscars and I'm
sure the film deserves every one of them. "

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