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ГДЗ: Английский язык       Алгебра       Геометрия       Физика       Химия       Русский язык       Немецкий язык

Подготовка к экзаменам (ЕГЭ)       Программы и пособия       Краткое содержание       Онлайн учебники
Шпаргалки       Рефераты       Сочинения       Энциклопедии       Топики с переводами

Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Toptopics - 17part.

The English Language.
Knowledge of the foreign language is becoming more important nowadays.
There are many reasons why we study English. Now, in a period when we are
reconstructing our economy, when there are many joint ventures with foreign
companies operating in our country, we need a number of specialists who
know foreign languages. If you know English, you can communicate
(personally or in writing) with others who use this language.
If you wish to make a career in science, you must read scientific books and
magazines in English. Knowing English you can read the works of foreign
writers in original.
A more general aim is to broaden our intellectual and cultural horizons
through contacts with people of other countries.
Knowledge of foreign languages helps people of different countries to
develop mutual friendship and understanding.

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