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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

10 Topics for exams - topic7.

                         The only child in a family

        So, I’m the only child in the family and I like it. Of course I’m
spoilt a little but it doesn’t disturb me.
        The attention is all mine, consequently I’m the apple of my
parent’s eyes. I feel lucky, and my friends are jealous because of my
single state, particularly because I don’t have to share a bedroom. It’s an
advantage. You get undivided attention from your parents. Being alone made
me close to animals but it also made me quite demanding. If you don’t have
sisters or brothers you need friends and so I tried hard to make them, I am
good at making them still and such experience is very useful nowadays.
         It may be true that an only child is spoilt, but, believe me,
there are occasions on which you wish there was a brother or sister to
share problems, but when you solve you problems yourself you tend to become
strong and rational person, and it’s better to spend more time in the
company of adults than with your contemporaries.
          I’ve seen a lot of big families where were two or more children
in a family and most of my friends have brothers or sisters. And I didn’t
make up my mind and think that it’s better to be the only child then the
other way round. I suppose that only people who have a good financial
situation or are rich can afford more than one child. Cause in the other
way they’ll make a great mistake.
          Most of specialists suppose that only in a family with one child
a real leader can be born and educate.
           In the former situation parents usually believe in his
possibilities, praise him for small successes and reward his good deeds.
Thus he becomes self-centered and conceited. He is greedy for money.
           In the latter situation parents are overprotective,
underestimating their child’s skills and talents and often criticizing his
efforts to be independent. Thus he is not sure of his real value.
           His start into adult life seems to be easier when we take into
consideration welfare, comfort and living standards. But from the point of
view of maturity his start is more difficult as he becomes independent
later than his friends of the same age and sometimes cannot solve simple
problems at work because so far his parents have always done it for him.
            Responsible parents should know that family is the first little
community where the personality of a child develops and if there are more
than three in the family the children can learn in a more natural and easy
way how to cope with every day problems and learn to compromise in an
argument, as well as understand others and love them. It is much more
difficult to bring up the only child as the process of teaching him the
terms of living in a society is rather artificial. In their books,
educational films, and therapy meetings, psychologists give a lot of
positive evidence that multi-children families provide a better
psychological and socially healthier environment for development.
            The parents’ effort to rear their children is rewarded when the
children grow up. And when the parents are old it is impossible to be
forgotten – form the bunch of kids there is at least one or two who will
always remember to hasten with assistance to their loving parents.

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