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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

10 Topics for exams - topic10.

                                Freak weather

            Freak weather has been introduced by the scientific community
and the media as the term that encompasses all potential changes in
climate. Hundreds of scientists from many different countries are working
to understand strange phenomena.
            As freak weather is the result of extremely complex
interactions, scientists still cannot predict the exact impact on the Earth
of these phenomena and find the explanation of them.
            El-Nino is one of these phenomenon. Every few years something
mysterious happens in the Pacific. Vast areas of the surface of the Pacific
begin to warm up. As a result, the wind weakens. A great sweep of warm
water sloshes eastwards. These warm waters usually arrive off the coast of
South America shortly after Christmas. That is why they are known as El-
Nino, which is Spanish for the Chist-Child.It seems rhat El-Nino affects
the weather of North America and the Atlantic, too. In 1983 severe storms
caused havoc in the United States and Europe, these and severe drought in
Africa, India and Europe could be traced back to El-Nino. Scientists call
El-Nino world weather upset.
          Crop circles phenomenon is not a modern one. They are mentioned
in academic texts of the late 17th Century. Since then some eighty
eyewitnesses from as far away as British Columbia have reported crop
circles forming in under twenty seconds; cases are often accompanied by
sightings of incandescent or brightly-coloured balls of light, shafts of
light or structured flying craft. Serious attention was given to the simple
circles in 1980 in southern England. The designs appeared primarily as
simple circles, circle with rings, and variations on the Celtic cross, they
developed straight lines and created pictograms,  Research and laboratory
tests suggest that microwave or ultrasound may be the only method capable
of producing such an effect.
There are  a lot of other unusual weather phenomena such as flying saucers,
tornadoes, blood rains about which people think they are God signs.

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