На Главную

ГДЗ: Английский язык       Алгебра       Геометрия       Физика       Химия       Русский язык       Немецкий язык

Подготовка к экзаменам (ЕГЭ)       Программы и пособия       Краткое содержание       Онлайн учебники
Шпаргалки       Рефераты       Сочинения       Энциклопедии       Топики с переводами

Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Билеты по английскому для юристов - билет12.

                                 STUDY WORK
My study is not easy so I have to learn many different  subjects  which  are
important for future occupation: Criminal  Law,  Criminal  Procedure,  Civil
Law, Labor Law, International Law, Criminology and others.
    Special subjects are not the only subjects of the curriculum.
1. I learn some humane, theoretical, optional and additional subjects,  such
   as History of Russia, Philosophy, Theory of State  and  Law,  History  of
   State and Law, Logics, Foreign Languages and others.
2. I’m take tests and exams on each subject included into the curriculum.
    As the academic year is divided into two semesters, terminal  tests  and
exams are held in January and in June.
3. And then when all the tests and exams are  passed  successfully,  I  will
   have vacation.
    At  the  end  of  the  whole  course  of  studies  I  will  take  degree
   examinations, finals, as they are often called.
4. The timetable of lectures, tutorials  and  seminars  is  regulated  by  a
   study schedule.
5. It provides me with lecture halls and tutorial rooms on time.
6. I have to attend seminars and not miss lectures.
7. One of the main principles of the Russian educational system is to  unite
   theory and practice.
8. So, during the course of studies I’ll  have  practical  training  at  law
   enforcement organs.
9. Much attention is paid to the studying  of  Foreign  Languages:  English,
   German or French.
10. I had classes in English three times a week,  the  attendance  of  which
   was obligatory.
As English is heavy-reading subjects, I had to work at them hard and devote
much time to them.

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