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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Билеты по английскому для юристов - билет10.

                                Other Courts
1. Other courts are divided into:
    The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
2. Its jurisdiction is now confined to hearing appeals  from  the  remaining
   colonies, and from those former British territories which have chosen  to
   retain it as their final appeal court.
3. The judges of the Privy Council are  predominantly  the  same  Law  Lords
   that normally sit in the House of Lords, with the addition, every now and
   again,    of    eminent    judges    from     Commonwealth     countries,

    The Employment Appeal Tribunal
4. It was set up following the great increase in recent  years  of  disputes
   arising  from  employment,  especially  involving  unfair  dismissal   or
5. The court hears appeals from industrial tribunals.
6. Every case is heard by a High Court judge and two lay members chosen  for
   their knowledge and  experience  of  industrial  relations:  trade  union
   officials, for instance, and representatives of employers' organizations.
    The Restrictive Practices Court
7. Which is of the level of the High Court, has various powers  to  stop  or
   control restrictive or monopolistic practices in the supply of goods  and
   services  -  for  example,  agreements  between  ostensibly   competitive
   companies to charge a minimum  price  for  their  products,  against  the
   interests of the consumer.
    Coroners' Courts.
8. Coroners, who must be qualified lawyers or doctors, have a duty  to  hold
   public inquests into any violent, unnatural or suspicious  death,  or  in
   the case of a person dying suddenly without  any  obvious  cause,  or  in
   prison or in police custody.
9. Coroners' inquests are not trials, but witnesses are  called,  and  there
   is often a jury who decide on the manner of  death  -  suicide,  unlawful
   killing, misadventure or accident - or (where they are not  sure)  return
   an open verdict.
10. Outside the normal  hierarchy  of  the  courts,  flourishes  a  parallel
   structure of administrative and judicial bodies lumped together under the
   genera! description of tribunals.
11. Some of them have been in existence for a  century  or  more,  but  they
   have proliferated especially in the last thirty years, since the creation
   of the welfare state.
12.  Some  of  the  most  important  and  widely  used  are  the  industrial
   tribunals, where workers can claim compensation for unfair dismissal; the
   supplementary  benefit  appeals  tribunal;   rent   tribunal;   and   the
   immigration appeals tribunal.
         Two Foreign Courts
13. Two courts outside Britain's boundaries have recently  come  to  play  a
   big part in her affairs.
14. The two deal with completely different issues, and belong  to  different
   regional institutions,
    The European Court
15. (more properly, the Court of Justice of the European  Community,  called
   the European Union - EU - since 1993) sits in Luxembourg.
16. It is the court of the EU, and therefore  Britain,  as  its  member,  is
   under its jurisdiction on matters affecting the EU.
    The European Court of Human Rights
17. It sits in Strasbourg (France) and operates under the  umbrella  of  the
   Council of Europe.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18