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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Water World as Another Home for the English Nation Reflected in the English Folklore.


1. The history of Britain’s  relations  with  its  “waterworld”.Why  did  it
   inspire the emergence of the rich English folklore ?

2. The  water  world  in  the  English  folklore  :  tales,  stories  fears,
   prejudices,  poems  connected  with  seas,  rivers,   lakes   and   their

3. Does the English nation try to preserve its  precious  “waterworld”  both
   as the natural resource and  the cultural inheritance.


1. Dorothy Whitelock
       “The Beginnings of English Society”,  Penguin 1977

2. Roy Palmer
   “Britain’s Living Folklore”, Oxford 1986

3.    A.R.Myers
   “England in the Late Middle Ages”,  Penguin 1980

3. Dictionary of the British Mythology, Oxford 1990

5.    “British Cultural Identities”, 1993

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