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ГДЗ: Английский язык       Алгебра       Геометрия       Физика       Химия       Русский язык       Немецкий язык

Подготовка к экзаменам (ЕГЭ)       Программы и пособия       Краткое содержание       Онлайн учебники
Шпаргалки       Рефераты       Сочинения       Энциклопедии       Топики с переводами

Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

домашних условиях.

Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Word-formation of the English language. Conversion.

               Affix word-formation.

           Derived nouns:
-derived nouns with agnative meaning.
|affix|produ|w-f model |meaning and  |the  |historic |comments |
|     |ctivi|          |semantic     |usage|appearanc|         |
|     |ty   |          |classes      |     |e  and   |         |
|     |     |          |             |     |evolution|         |
|   1 |  2  |     3    |         4   |  5  |      6  |     7   |
|-er  |the |N+er>N     |-there are   |ordin|OE :     |Can      |
|     |most|           |some nouns   |ary  |N+er>N   |produce  |
|     |prod|           |which means  |speec|V+er>N   |compounds|
|     |ucti|           |belonging to |h    |had the  |:        |
|     |ve. |           |the place    |     |meaning  |-can-open|
|     |It  |Adj+er>N   |:Londoner,   |     |‘a person|er,      |
|     |has |           |Englander.   |     |doing ...|ice-break|
|     |almo|           |-inhabitant  |     |what the |er;      |
|     |st  |           |of some area |     |stem     |-giver-up|
|     |abso|           |:foreigner,  |     |denotes’:|,        |
|     |lute|           |Britisher.   |slang|         |teen-ager|
|     |ly  |           |-Adj. means  |     |OE       |,        |
|     |prod|           |color or     |     |cartere-M|breakfast|
|     |ucti|           |special      |     |oE       |er.      |
|     |vity|           |indication.  |     |carter,  |         |
|     |.   |Num+er>N   |Derivatives  |     |OE       |Do not   |
|     |    |           |have the     |     |utridere-|produce  |
|     |    |           |meaning of   |     |MoE out  |the N:   |
|     |    |           |quality or   |     |rider.   |-when    |
|     |    |           |indication:  |     |ME the   |there is |
|     |    |V+er1>N    |greener,     |     |meaning  |the other|
|     |    |           |fresher ‘a   |     |become   |word with|
|     |    |           |student of   |     |wider:   |the same |
|     |    |           |the first    |     |hatter,  |meaning: |
|     |    |           |year’.       |     |hunter.  |student  |
|     |    |           |-a person of |     |It took  |instead  |
|     |    |           |an age:      |     |the      |of       |
|     |    |           |fifteeners,  |     |meaning  |steadier |
|     |    |           |forty niner. |     |‘belong  |(though  |
|     |    |           |-value of    |ordin|to some  |it has   |
|     |    |           |money: fiver,|ary  |area’    |appeared |
|     |    |           |5$, 5 pounds;|speec|Londoner.|in the   |
|     |    |V+er2>N    |tenner 10$,  |h    |         |language |
|     |    |           |10p.         |     |         |but it is|
|     |    |           |             |     |         |used     |
|     |    |           |Agnetive     |     |         |rather   |
|     |    |           |meaning:     |     |         |seldom). |
|     |    |           |-profession  |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |activity of a|     |         |-when    |
|     |    |           |person:      |     |         |there is |
|     |    |V+or>N     |sewer,       |     |         |the -er  |
|     |    |           |singer,      |     |         |word in  |
|-or  |    |           |learner.     |     |         |the      |
|     |    |           |-a person    |     |         |language:|
|     |    |           |acting in    |     |         |betting-m|
|     |    |           |such way at  |     |         |an       |
|     |    |           |that moment: |diffe|         |instead  |
|     |    |           |singer,      |rent |         |of better|
|     |    |           |speaker,     |brunc|         |(one who |
|     |    |           |learner.     |hes  |         |bets) as |
|     |    |           |-a person who|of   |         |there is |
|     |    |           |has the      |scien|         |better in|
|     |    |           |indication   |ce   |         |the      |
|     |    |           |and ability  |and  |         |language |
|     |    |           |to do this   |agric|         |(adv.    |
|     |    |           |action:      |ultur|         |from well|
|     |    |V+ee>N     |swimmer.[?]  |e    |         |and adj. |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |from     |
|-ee  |    |           |Instrumental |     |         |good).   |
|     |The |           |meaning:     |scien|         |         |
|     |syno|           |denotes      |ce   |         |         |
|     |nym |           |instruments, |speec|         |         |
|     |suf |           |devices, etc:|h    |         |         |
|     |-er,|           |to sow       |     |Goes back|         |
|     |but |           |>sower, to   |     |to the   |         |
|     |less|           |atomize >    |     |Roman    |         |
|     |prod|           |atomizer, to |     |language.|         |
|     |ucti|           |silence      |     |In ME    |         |
|     |ve. |           |>silenser.   |     |period   |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |V+or>N   |         |
|     |    |           |-science and |     |had      |         |
|     |    |           |technical    |     |agnetive |         |
|     |    |           |terms:       |     |and      |         |
|     |    |           |generator,   |     |instrumen|         |
|     |    |           |indicator,   |     |tal      |         |
|     |    |           |radiator.    |     |meaning. |It is    |
|     |    |           |-instrumental|     |In MoE   |usually  |
|     |    |           |meaning      |     |has      |joined   |
|     |    |           |             |     |instrumen|the V    |
|     |    |           |             |     |tal      |stem     |
|     |    |           |             |     |meaning  |ended by |
|     |    |           |             |jurid|in       |-ate (in |
|     |Is  |           |             |ical |different|MoE ended|
|     |not |           |             |and  |brunches |by -t):  |
|     |very|           |             |admin|of since:|to       |
|     |prod|           |             |istra|reactor  |collect> |
|     |ucti|N+ist>N    |             |tive |(1928),  |collector|
|-ist |ve  |           |             |terms|compresso|, to     |
|     |beca|           |             |     |r (1920),|select > |
|     |use |           |             |     |eluminato|selector.|
|     |the |           |             |     |r (1928).|But none |
|     |sema|           |             |     |         |was      |
|     |ntic|           |             |     |         |formed on|
|     |clas|           |             |     |Roman Vs |the      |
|     |s of|           |-has the     |     |perlocate|English  |
|     |V   |           |meaning of   |     |d in     |basis.   |
|     |stem|           |object of    |     |English  |         |
|     |s   |           |acting which |     |with     |         |
|     |capa|           |denoted by   |     |French   |         |
|     |ble |           |the stem.    |     |juridical|         |
|     |to  |           |This object  |     |and      |         |
|     |join|           |can be direct|     |administr|         |
|     |this|           |or indirect ,|     |ative    |         |
|     |suf |           |it depends on|     |terms    |         |
|     |is  |           |the object   |     |named    |Though   |
|     |not |           |which the V  |     |persons: |the suf  |
|     |nume|           |stem needs:  |     |appellee,|-ee is   |
|     |rous|           |employee ‘one|     |assignee.|not very |
|     |:   |           |who is       |     |Later -ee|productiv|
|     |they|           |employee’,   |     |began    |e, some  |
|     |are |           |detainee     |     |joining  |times it |
|     |the |N+ite>N    |‘prisoner’.  |     |the      |maids    |
|-ite1|Vs  |           |             |     |German V |fresh    |
|     |with|           |             |     |stems:   |formation|
|     |‘to |           |             |     |drawee.  |s.       |
|     |hang|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |over|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |’,  |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |‘ent|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |rust|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |’   |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |mean|           |             |ordin|         |         |
|     |ing |           |             |ary  |         |         |
|     |    |N+ite>N    |             |speec|         |         |
|     |    |           |             |h    |         |         |
|-ite2|prod|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |ucti|           |             |     |         |         |
|     |ve  |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |The active   |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |meaning ‘a   |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |person’.     |     |Is taken |         |
|     |    |           |There are    |     |in       |         |
|     |    |           |different    |     |English  |         |
|     |    |           |nuance of    |     |as a     |         |
|     |    |           |meaning which|     |word-form|         |
|     |    |           |depends on   |     |ative    |         |
|     |    |           |derivant     |     |element  |         |
|     |    |           |stem:        |     |(F-iste, |         |
|     |    |           |-means a     |     |L-ista,  |         |
|     |    |           |person whose |     |Gr-istes)|         |
|     |    |           |occupation   |     |. In MoE |         |
|     |    |           |marked by the|     |me can   |         |
|     |    |N+man>N    |stem:        |     |met not  |         |
|     |    |           |machinist,   |     |only in  |         |
|     |    |           |automobilist,|     |prevocate|         |
|-man1|    |           |violinist.   |     |d from  R|         |
|     |    |           |-a person    |     |but in   |         |
|     |    |           |occupied in  |     |new-forms|         |
|     |    |Adj+man>   |that brunch  |ordin|.        |         |
|     |    |N          |of activity  |ary  |         |         |
|     |    |           |which the    |speec|         |         |
|     |    |           |stem denotes:|h    |         |         |
|     |syn |V+man>N    |geologist,   |     |         |         |
|     |with|           |biologist.   |     |         |         |
|     |ist |           |-a follower  |     |         |         |
|     |in  |           |of some      |     |         |         |
|     |the |           |doctrine,    |     |         |         |
|     |mean|           |theory, idea,|     |         |         |
|     |ing |           |view, etc.:  |     |         |         |
|     |of a|           |Darwinist,   |     |         |         |
|     |pers|           |Pushcinist.  |     |         |         |
|     |on  |           |-a supporter |     |         |         |
|     |but |           |of a         |     |         |         |
|     |is  |           |political and|     |         |         |
|     |less|           |since        |     |         |         |
|     |prod|           |tendency:    |scien|         |         |
|     |ucti|           |communist,   |ce   |         |         |
|     |vity|           |pacifist.    |speec|         |         |
|     |    |           |             |h    |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |it  |           |-inhabitant  |     |Greece   |         |
|     |is  |           |of the area, |     |origin.  |         |
|     |an  |           |country,     |     |         |         |
|     |homo|           |island, town:|     |         |         |
|     |nym |           |Sydneyite,   |     |         |It  joins|
|     |of  |           |suburbanite, |     |         |the      |
|     |-ite|           |cityite;     |     |         |proper   |
|     |1   |           |-a follower  |     |         |names of |
|     |and |           |of the       |     |         |initiator|
|     |prod|           |doctrine,    |     |         |s of some|
|     |ucti|           |since and    |     |         |doctrines|
|     |ve  |           |political    |     |         |,        |
|     |    |           |tendency,    |     |         |tendencie|
|     |    |           |etc.:        |     |         |s, etc.  |
|     |    |           |Hitlerite,   |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |Marxite.     |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |             |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |-joins the   |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |stems of     |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |proper       |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |people’s     |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |names, who   |     |         |To       |
|     |    |           |was the first|     |         |produce  |
|     |    |           |who found out|     |         |the names|
|     |    |           |the mineral, |ordin|         |of sols  |
|     |    |           |chemical or  |ary  |         |the suff |
|     |    |           |explosive    |speec|         |joins the|
|     |    |           |substance, or|h    |         |N stems  |
|     |    |           |the place    |     |         |denotes  |
|     |    |           |where they   |     |         |the names|
|     |    |           |were first   |     |         |of acids |
|     |    |           |found or     |     |         |ended by |
|     |    |           |discovered:  |     |         |-ous:    |
|     |    |           |hauerite     |     |         |nitrite <|
|     |    |           |‘after F Von |     |         |nitrous  |
|     |    |           |Haure,       |     |         |acid.    |
|     |syn |           |Australian   |     |         |         |
|     |with|           |geologist’,  |     |         |         |
|     |-er |           |dolomite     |     |         |         |
|     |that|           |‘after the   |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |French       |     |         |         |
|     |is  |           |geologist    |     |         |         |
|     |why |           |Dolomier’,   |     |         |         |
|     |has |           |yprite ‘from |     |         |         |
|     |the |           |Ypres, a town|     |         |         |
|     |less|           |in N W       |     |         |         |
|     |prod|           |Belgium’.    |     |         |         |
|     |ucti|           |-names of    |     |         |         |
|     |vity|           |chemical or  |     |         |         |
|     |.   |           |explosive    |     |         |         |
|     |    |           |substance    |     |In OE    |         |
|     |    |           |where the    |     |period   |         |
|     |    |           |main         |     |there are|         |
|     |    |           |indications  |     |a lot of |         |
|     |    |           |are denoted  |     |’-man’   |         |
|     |    |           |by the stem: |     |words    |         |
|     |    |           |sepiolite <  |     |with and |         |
|     |    |           |sepia (L:    |     |without  |         |
|     |    |           |colour);     |     |the      |         |
|     |    |           |speularite < |     |interfix |         |
|     |    |           |specular     |     |‘-s-‘:   |         |
|     |    |           |‘reflecting’,|     |carlman, |As one   |
|     |    |           |speculum     |     |ceap-man |word     |
|     |    |           |‘reflector’. |     |>chapman,|there are|
|     |    |           |             |     |r        |65% -man |
|     |    |           |             |     |des-man >|words in |
|     |    |           |-denotes a   |     |redesman.|English, |
|     |    |           |person or a  |     |         |the words|
|     |    |           |person used  |     |MoE leman|written  |
|     |    |           |some         |     |

1  2  3