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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Темы по английскому языку для школы.

                           The Russian Federation.

     The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world.  Its  total
area is about 17 million square kilometers.  It  occupies  most  of  Eastern
Europe and Northern Asia. Russia is bordered by  Finland,  Estonia,  Latvia,
Litva, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and China.
     Russian Federation is located on two plains, the  Great  Russian  Plain
and the West Siberian Lowland. The longest mountain chains  are  the  Urals,
the Caucasus and the Altai. Russia’s most important rivers  are  the  Volga,
the main Siberian rivers and the Amur. The total number of rivers in  Russia
is over two million. The world’s deepest lake – Lake Baikal, with the  deeps
of 1600 metres, is situated in Russia, too. The  climate  in  Russia  varies
from the arctic in the north  to  subtropical  in  the  south.  The  current
population of Russia is about 150 million people.
     Russia  is  a  highly-developed-agrarian  republic.  Its  vast  mineral
resources  include  oil,  natural  gas,  coal,  iron,  zinc,  lead   nickel,
aluminum, gold and other non-ferrous metals.
     The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow,  with  the  population
of about 10 million people.
     Russia is a constitutional republic with president as  Head  of  State.
The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly, consisting  of  the
Council of Federation and the State Duma.

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