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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

The system of english tenses.

                      THE SUSTEM OF THE ENGLISH TENSES
                                Active voice

|  |Present           |Past              |Future            |Future-in-the-Past|
|S |usually, always,  |yesterday, last   |tomorrow, in two  |                  |
|i |every day, often, |night,  last week |days, the day     |should / would + V|
|m |sometimes, as a   |(month, year), the|after tomorrow,   |                  |
|p |rule, from time to|day before        |next day (week,   |                  |
|l |time, generally   |yesterday, ago    |month)            |I (we) should ask.|
|e |I (you, we, they) |I (he, she, we,   |I (we) shall ask. |                  |
|(I|ask.              |you, they) asked. |You (he, she,     |You (he, she,     |
|n |He (she) asks.    |                  |they) will ask.   |they) would ask.  |
|d |                  |? Did I           |                  |? Should I        |
|e |? Do I            |                  |? Shall I         |                  |
|f |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|i |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|n |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|i |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|t |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|e)|                  |                  |                  |                  |
|C |now, at this time,|from 5 till 6, all|at 5 o'clock      |should / would +  |
|o |at this moment    |day, at that      |tomorrow          |to be + Ving      |
|n |                  |moment, at 5      |                  |                  |
|t |I am asking.      |o'clock yesterday |                  |I (we) should be  |
|i |He (she) is       |I (he, she) was   |I (we) shall be   |asking.           |
|n |asking.           |asking.           |asking.           |You (he, she,     |
|u |You (we, they) are|You (we, they)    |You (he, she,     |they) would be    |
|o |asking.           |were asking.      |they) will be     |asking.           |
|u |? Am I            |                  |asking.           |? Should I be     |
|s |                  |? Was I           |? Shall I be      |                  |
|t  o    h  a  v  e    +    V    i  n    t  h  e    3  f  o  r  m    (  P  a  s  |
|t    P  a  r  t  i  c  i  p  l  e  )                                            |
|P |already, just,    |by, before, by the|by the 1 of       |should / would +  |
|e |resently, ever,   |1 of September    |September next    |have + V in 3 f.  |
|r |never, yet, since,|last year         |year, before the  |                  |
|f |lately, this week |                  |bell, by that     |I (we) should have|
|e |I  ( we,  you,    |I (he, she, we,   |time, by the end  |asked.            |
|c |they )  have      |you, they) had    |of the year       |You (he, she,     |
|t |asked.            |asked.            |I (we) shall have |they) would have  |
|  |He (she) has      |                  |asked.            |asked.            |
|  |asked.            |? Had I           |You  ( he, she,   |? Should I have   |
|  |? Have I          |                  |they )  will have |                  |
|  |                  |                  |asked.            |                  |
|  |                  |                  |? Shall I have    |                  |
|P |for 2 hours, since|for 2 hours, all  |for 2 hours, all  |should / would +  |
|e |1856              |his life, all day,|my life           |have + been + Ving|
|r |                  |for a long time,  |                  |                  |
|f |I  ( we,  you,    |since             |I (we) shall have |I (we) should have|
|e |they )  have been |I (he, she, we,   |been asking.      |been asking.      |
|c |asking.           |you, they) had    |You  ( he, she,   |You (he, she,     |
|t |He (she) has been |been asking.      |they )  will have |they) would have  |
|C |asking.           |                  |been asking.      |been asking.      |
|o |                  |                  |                  |? Should I have   |
|n |? Have I been     |? Had I been      |? Shall I have    |been              |
|t |                  |                  |been              |                  |
|i |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|n |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|u |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|o |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|u |                  |                  |                  |                  |
|s |                  |                  |                  |                  |

Passive voice

|  |Present           |Past              |Future            |Future-in-the-Past|
|S |am, is, are + V in|was, were + V in 3|will / shall + to |should / would +  |
|i |3 f.              |f.                |be + V in 3 f.    |to be + V in 3 f. |
|m |                  |                  |I (we) shall be   |I (we) should be  |
|p |I am asked.       |I (he, she) was   |asked.            |asked.            |
|l |He (she) is asked.|asked.            |He (she, you,     |He (she, you,     |
|e |                  |We (you, they)    |they) will be     |they) would be    |
|(I|We (you, they) are|were asked.       |asked.            |asked.            |
|nd|asked.            |                  |? Shall I be      |? Should I be     |
|ef|? Am I            |? Was I           |                  |                  |
|in|                  |                  |                  |                  |
|it|                  |                  |                  |                  |
|e)|                  |                  |                  |                  |

C o n t i n u o u s
|  |am, is, are +     |was, were + being |                  |                  |
|  |being + V in 3 f. |+ V in 3 f.       |                  |                  |
|  |I am being asked. |I (he, she) was   |                  |                  |
|  |He (she) is being |being asked.      |                  |                  |
|  |asked.            |We (you, they)    |                  |                  |
|  |We (you, they) are|were being asked. |                  |                  |
|  |being asked.      |                  |                  |                  |
|  |? Am I being      |? Was I being     |                  |                  |

P e r f e c t
|  |have / has + been |had + been + V in |shall / will +    |should / would +  |
|  |+ V in 3 f.       |3 f.              |have / has + been |have + V in 3 f.  |
|  |I  ( we,  you,    |                  |+ V in 3 f.       |I (we) should have|
|  |they )  have been |I (he, she, we,   |I (we) shall have |been asked.       |
|  |asked.            |you, they) had    |been asked.       |He (she, you,     |
|  |He (she) has been |been asked.       |He ( she, you,    |they) would have  |
|  |asked.            |                  |they )  will have |been asked.       |
|  |? Have I been     |? Had I been      |been asked.       |? Should I have   |
|  |                  |                  |? Shall I have    |been              |
|  |                  |                  |been              |                  |

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