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Посетите наш раздел: Популярная литература на английском с переводами

Переводы текстов из English Афанасьева и др. XI класс Упр.17 , Unit 3

Оглавление / Другие учебники

17. В тексте «Возвращение домой» Хори и Ренисенб говорят о том, как все меняется со временем.
A. Взгляните на пословицы и выражения ниже и объясните их значение
a Times change. (Время меняется)
b Busiest men find the most time. (Занятые находят много времени)
c Other times, other manners. (Другие времена - другие нравы)
d Procrastination is the thief of time. (Промедление вор времени)
e Time and tide are waiting for no man. (Время и течение не ждет никого)
f Time is the great healer. (Время –великий целитель)
g Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down. (Следы на песке времени не делаются, сидя сложа руки)

B. Вспомните или придумайте короткую историю, чтобы продемонстрировать пословицы и выражения. Расскажите историю классу и дайте им угадать, какую пословицу или выражение вы демонстрируете.


a What was true or valid in the past is not necessarily so today because circumstances change;
b People who do a lot are the people who have most energy. However busy they are, they can usually manage something more;
c Each succeeding generation has its own way of life and standard of behaviour;
d To procrastinate is to delay, to put off doing something. Procrastinating — deferring things from day to day — wastes a lot of time and usually ends in nothing being done at all;
e Do not delay taking action. If you wish to go to sea, do not miss the tide. Neither tide nor time will tarry for you. In a wider sense, if an opportunity presents itself, decide quickly and act promptly;
f However great our grief or disappointment may be, in the course of time it will lessen. In this sense our “wounds” heal with time;
g These words are a line from Longfellow. When we are idle we do nothing by which future generations may remember us.

Оригинал на английском:
17. In the text “Homecoming" Hori and Renisenb speak about how everything changes with time.
A. Look at the proverbs and sayings below and explain their meanings.
a Times change.
b Busiest men find the most time.
c Other times, other manners.
d Procrastination is the thief of time.
e Time and tide are waiting for no man.
f Time is the great healer.
g Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.
B. Remember or make up a short story to illustrate one of the proverbs and sayings above. Tell the story to the class and Iet them guess which particular proverb or saying you are illustrating.