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Канал о жизни дикой лисы в 

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Все темы:"Рефераты по Иностранные языки"

Ecological problems and environmental protection.


My paper is devoted to the theme of the global ecological  catastrophes  and
the environmental protection.  I  am  giving  a  review  of  various  global
problems such as “Greenhouse effect”.   The aim of my  project  is  to  show
and explain  how  ecological  catastrophes  navel  our  life  and  and  what
consequence they.

The sources of my work are:
 . Scientific books and newspapers
 . Numerous internet data

My project consists of  the  following  parts:  Introduction,  3  chapters,
conclusion, reference list.

 . Chapter 1 “Ecological situation nowadays” – deals with global  ecological
   problems such as air, water pollution etc.
 . Chapter 2 “Global warming” – is devoted to a problem of a global  warming
   called “greenhouse effect”.
 . Chapter 3  “Pressure  groups”  –contains  in  formation  about  different
   pressure groups such as “Greenpeace” etc.
 . Conclusion.

 . Reference list.

I suppose that the topic I choose is very actual nowadays and  I  hope  that
it will  contribute  to  our  knowledge  and  will  also  have  a  practical
inplimintation in the class.


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